The Consus Group Composite Rankings

The Consus Group Composite Ranking is actually quite an interesting ranking, because it takes into account a number of other university rankings, such as US news and the Gourman Report. The ranking the Consus Group created only looks at universities and colleges from the United Sates.
Besides the other rankings that are used, a strong weight is given to selectivity of the university, with which is meant the percentage of candidates that is admitted, combined with SAT scores and ranking in their high-school class.
Furthermore, it is interesting that they look at a very wide group of universities and colleges. For example, also a number of military academies are included, which are often not featured in standard or international rankings.

What they look at:
| Other published university rankings (50%) | Selectivity (45%) | Yield of matriculating admitted applicants (5%) |

What they came up with:
The Consus Group made a ranking with the best 65 colleges in their system. This yield the following top 10:

1. Harvard
2. Princeton
3. Stanford
4. Columbia
5. California
institute of technology
6. Yale
7. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
8. Brown
9. Berkeley
10. California, L.A.

The university and college ranking of the Consus Group can be consulted here. Information about the methodology is proved there as well.

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